Overview about DPT
The Institute of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences (I.P.R.S) PUMHSW, Shaheed Benazirabad started Doctor of Physiotherapy (DPT) course under the dynamic leadership of Prof. Azam Hussain Yousfani, Vice Chancellor, Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences for Women, Shaheed Benazirabad.
Institute of physiotherapy and rehabilitation sciences (I.P.R.S) PUMHSW, is the first ever Women public sector university of Sindh Government to start Doctor of Physiotherapy (DPT) program. The teaching for the graduates of physiotherapy DPT started in Dec 2012. The program offers a DPT curriculum that integrates theoretical and applied sciences through an evidence-based approach to healthcare management.
The main objective of the physiotherapy programme of the Institute is to produce highly Skilled Rehabilitation Professionals women. Who will take up the ever burgeoning load of the Disabled Community and who are at par with the best professionals in the world and also to promote the development of students' scientific knowledge, psychomotor skills, professional values, attitudes and behaviors.
Also the poor patients of whole province in general & interior Sindh in particular could not have the facilities of this method of treatment. Moreover, the young blood did not have the easy & economical excess to improve their education & training. Hence there was dire need of establishing this Institute to impart quality medical education dealing with physical therapy to relieve pain and re-gain strength after serious injuries, illness and surgery.
In future we planned for Out Patient Department (O.P.D) of I.P.R.S & wards of People's University Hospital (PUMHSW) Nawabshah. The (O.P.D) will be fully equipped with very modern high tech equipments. The students have not only the opportunity to see the working of gadgets but also have the chance to practically learn the methods of physical therapy on the patients attending the (O.P.D) & also in the wards.
To improve & update the knowledge of Faculty of IPRS & staff of (O.P.D), organizing / conducting Continuous Medical Education (CME) & workshops is a regular feature of our institute.
Prof. Dr Muhammad Sharif Awan
Professor & Chairman Surgery
Director IPRS