Dean of Basic & Allied Sciences

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Dean of Basic & Allied Sciences
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Prof Dr Ghulam Mustafa Dahri


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The university has 2 academic blocks. One includes Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry departments with air-conditioned dissection Hall and seminar rooms, while the other one includes Pharmacology, Pathology, Community Medicine and Forensic Medicine departments, Department of Information Technology, three Institutes ( Institutes of Physiotherapy, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Begum Bilqees sultana Nursing Institute along with Vice Chancellor Secretariat , Latif Hall, Administration offices, Academic Council Hall, Teachers common room, Central Museum, Digital Telephone Exchange , Digital Library, Central Library three fully air-conditioned Lecture Halls and air-conditioned seminar rooms . Recently a Diagnostic & Research Lab along with Molecular Biology Laboratory has been established.

Prof. Dr Ghulam Mustafa Dahri

Dean of Basic & Allied Sciences, Director ORIC & HOD Pharmacology

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