The University of PUMHS of Surgery stands at the forefront of medical innovation, offering a comprehensive array of surgical interventions tailored to address a spectrum of patient needs, spanning from routine procedures to the most intricate medical challenges. Guided by the unparalleled expertise of our physicians, who possess extensive experience in both surgical practice and research, and facilitated by our institution's collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to patient care, we consistently deliver exceptional treatment outcomes. Situated within the rich ecosystem of an esteemed academic medical center, our institution serves as a magnet for top-tier surgical talent, fostering an environment where excellence thrives.
Central to our ethos at the University of PUMHS of Surgery is a steadfast commitment to education. Every member of our esteemed faculty is deeply dedicated to nurturing and mentoring the next generation of surgical leaders. Through a blend of hands-on training, scholarly inquiry, and mentorship, we empower aspiring surgeons to reach their full potential and make meaningful contributions to the field.
Comprising three distinct units, each operating with autonomy yet aligned with the overarching mission and vision of our institution, our departments serve as the cornerstone of our academic enterprise. With clear aims and objectives that seamlessly integrate with the broader strategic initiatives of the University, our departments are poised to advance surgical excellence, research, and education in lockstep with the evolving landscape of healthcare.
- Departments of Surgery
- Surgery Unit I
- Surgery Unit II
- Surgery Unit III
- Gynaecology & Obstetrics Unit I
- Gynaecology & Obstetrics Unit II
- Paediatrics surgery
- Neuro Surgery
- Orthopaedics
- Opthalmology
- Ear, Nose, Throat & Audiology is Sub speciality of ENT
- Urology
- Anesthesiology
- Radiology
Prof. Dr Ali Raza Brohi
Dean of Surgery & Allied Sciences, Director Admission & Medical Education, HOD Paediatric Surgery