Peoples Institute of Technologist in Health
( Intensive Care Technology)

Intensive Care Technology Menu



People’s institute of Technologist in Health offers admission in 4 (four) different disciplines with a limited number of seats.
• The candidates will apply on prescribed form available at the official website of PUMHSW (
• Admissions will be opened for male/female gender having Domicile of Sindh.
• Candidate shall have passed HSC-II (Pre-Medical) conducted BISE secured at least 50% marks or its equivalent or ‘A’ level and have secured at least 60% marks (C-Grade) in aggregate passed from any Board of Higher Secondary Education in Pakistan or any institution from foreign countries duly recognized by Inter Board Committee of Chairman (IBCC) are eligible to apply for admission.
• The candidate who has passed HSC-II (Pre-Medical) examination 2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23 and secured at least 50% as aggregate in the subjects of English, biology, Physics & chemistry shall be eligible to apply for admission.
• Fresh candidates who have a diploma of one year in the concerned discipline from a recognized institute can apply in the concerned discipline.
• Admission will be purely on merit based, approved by admission/selection committee of PUMHSW as per policies.
▪ The decision of the admission committee will be deemed as final.
▪ Selected candidates will be medically checked by the college Medical Board for their fitness or otherwise.
▪ After selection the student must deposit original documents to the university.
• Age limit 17-25 years.
Institute will charge 50% of total Fee from All Faculty Members of PUMHSW, Nawabshah. SBA.
• Candidates having the Hafiz ul Quran certificate will be given an additional 20 marks, which will be added to their HSC-II marks.
• Reserved seats for disabled person as per government of Pakistan ‘s policy. Note:
▪ Candidates who obtained less than 50% marks are not eligible.
▪ candidates who have completed their diploma through online courses are not eligible to seek admission.


• All eligible candidates for admission to Bachelor of Sciences intensive Care Technology (BS-ICT), Bachelor of Sciences Anesthesia Technology (BS-AT),
Bachelor of Sciences Cardiovascular sciences Technology (BS-CST) & Bachelor of Sciences Medical Laboratory (BS-MLT) will be required to appear in the Entrance Test.
• The entry test shall be conducted from the prescribed intermediate syllabus of Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education of Pakistan.
• There will be 100 multiple choice questions in the test distributed in the following manner: a) Biology 30 questions b) Physics 30 questions c) Chemistry 30 questions d) English 10 questions Formula for Working out the Overall Merit:
a) Matric Science/ O level / Equivalent 10% weightage
b) HSC-II (Pre-Medical) / equivalent Examination 40% weightage extra 20 marks added having Hafiz Ul Quran certificate.
c) Entry test 50% weightage.
• The time allotted to solve the paper will be 120 minutes.
• Each correct answer shall be awarded 01 (one) mark and there will be no negative mark for any incorrect answer.
In case the overall score of two or more candidates are equal, the candidate securing higher marks in the HSC-II (Pre-Medical/Qualifying Examination) shall be ranked higher in merit for the purpose of admission. If the HSC-II marks are also equal the candidate securing higher marks in Matriculation shall be ranked higher in merit for the purpose of admission and if the Matric marks of two or more than two candidates are also equal only, then the candidate older in age shall be ranked higher in merit for the purpose of admission. The production of equivalence of marks sheet from IBCC shall be the responsibility of the candidate.
The candidates who apply for admission on the basis of fake certificates / documents and detected at any stage shall be liable to prosecution under criminal law and their admission shall be cancelled. Also, they may be debarred for a period of 03 years for future admissions.

All the selected candidates shall have to undergo a medical examination through medical board constituted by the University.
The Selected candidates must produce the reports of following investigations.
Blood CP+ESR
Urine DR
X-Ray Chest
Vaccination Certificate against HBV
Screening of Hepatitis B & C Virus


The admission committee of PUMHSW has the right to cancel admission at any stage if the documents presented are found to be fake.
• A written application for cancellation/discontinuance of admission with suitable reasons will be required if any selected student wants to cancel/discontinuance her admission at any stage of the program after the cutoff date prescribe by the statutory authorities/university for admission to the first year of the course, they will submit a Pay Order of Rs.350,000/- (Rupees Three Lac Fifty Thousand only) in favor of the respective university as a penalty for wasting a precious seat.

Policy on Change of Name / Date of Birth:

The name and date of birth of candidates will be registered in the records of the university as given in their SSC Pacca Certificate only. No request will be considered Later, to correct the date of birth & spelling of the name of the candidates.
• The parents/Guardian and candidates are requested to verify & confirm these entries in the SSC Pacca Certificate at the time of the receipt of the same.
Once admitted to a course of study in the university, the date of birth & spelling of name. as furnished in the SSC Pacca Certificate and submitted to the university at the time of the admission, shall be taken as final proof and no subsequent request for change of date of birth & spelling of name will be entrained by the university at any time under any circumstance, either during the course of study or after the completion such study. The student should take utmost care while entering their details on the portal at the time of their registration. Thay are responsible for any data mismatch at later stage.
• Every student shall give an undertaking to this effect duly countersigned by his/her parent or guardian at the time of admission.

Policy on Ragging:

Ragging is strictly prohibited in the university campuses.


All admissions are subject to fulfillment of all the prescribed eligibility conditions by the candidate. If it is found either at the time of admission or at a later stage, that the candidate has given false information/forged certificates or concealed material information, her admission shall be cancelled, and the student shall be dismissed from the college immediately.
The University reserves the right to change the curriculum, course structure and the rules relating to admission, examinations, fee structure, refunds, etc. • All disputes arising in the interpretation and implementation of the provisions will be referred to the Vice-Chancellor of PUMHSW, Nawabshah, and Vice-Chancellor ‘s decision shall be final and binding.
• In respect of matters relating to or arising out of this prospectus the jurisdiction shall lie in Puducherry alone.

Classroom Policy:

The classroom session runs from Monday-Saturday 8:30AM to 2:30PM, Friday 8:30AM to 12:30PM.

Attendance Policy:

• It is mandatory that student attend all academic sessions including lectures, Tutorials, demonstration, seminars, practical’s, assignments, hospital clinical wards & examinations

Flowing Are Specific Policies Relative to Attendance:

Students should be present in class at the scheduled time. Students arriving late within ten minutes of scheduled time will be marked late whereas those arriving after ten minutes will be marked absent. Three times being late will be considered as one absence. Students must be aware that informed/Sick/emergency leaves will also reduce.
The percentage of attendance as absentee will.
• As per requirements of Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences for Women Shaheed Benazirabad Bachelor of Sciences intensive Care Technology (BS-ICT), Bachelor of Sciences Anesthesia Technology (BS-AT), Bachelor of Sciences Cardiovascular Technology (BS-CVT) & Bachelor of Sciences Medical Laboratory Technology (BS-MLT) respective councils, A minimum of 75% overall attendance is required for all subjects. The attendance of each student will be assessed before all exams. Those failing to meet required attendance will be allotted zero marks in subsequent exam/assignment and graded presentations and not eligible to appear in the professional examinations.
• Regularity and punctuality are essential. If a student is absent for three days without prior approval, he/she should submit a written explanation along with supporting documents to the university management. Failure to provide supporting documents and valid reasons for absenteeism disciplinary action will be taken against the student.
• Repeated absence from lectures, practical’s, tutorials, demonstrations, and hospital clinical wards, without any justified/cogent reasons, will make a student liable for expulsion from university.
• The students must periodically check their attendance records from the concerned department.
• In all cases, leave taken will be at the student’s own risk so far as the percentage of attendance is concerned and even the medical certificate will not condone any deficiency in attendance.
• Leave application less than one week shall be recommended by the program coordinator.
• The students who do not meet the required percentage of attendance, i.e., 75%, will have to make up for their deficiency by attending special classes during vacations or preparatory holidays & despite the fee Rs.1500/- per lecture collectively.
The candidate having attendance less than 60% shall not be eligible to appear in the semester examination but she will be allowed to move in the next semester as mentioned in the “organization of semester system”.
• However, the candidate having attendance less than 40% shall not be eligible to appear in the re-sit semester examination. He / She shall appear with the next junior batch after fulfilling the required attendance in particular semester.


Attendance and timings in the clinical training will also be observed critically and there will be no compromise on these. Students are expected to follow the scheduled time strictly. If a student fails to secure 85% attendance in the clinical training, their marks will be deducted. In addition, students are also required to update their Logbooks on daily basis and must submit them on time at the end of the term (before commencement of final exam). If any student did not submit the Logbook, he would be given zero marks.
according to the following process.
For Unsafe Practice
➢ Documentation in “Incidence Form”
➢ Learning contract / corrective action.
• For Unethical Behavior
➢ Any misbehavior /misconduct will never be tolerated.
➢ There will be a formal hearing.


Students are primarily responsible for their own learning and completion of the scheduled examinations and attendance of all academic activities.
• The entire building of College and Hospital including washrooms and student lounges have been declared as “No Smoking Zone”. Students are expected to respect it.
• Eating and drinking is prohibited in the classrooms/tutorial rooms, learning resource center and libraries etc.
• The students are expected to always dress in a simple and decent manner in campus. Tight trousers / Jeans, unpleasant shades and undesirable figures on shirts must be avoided. Students must wear lab coats while going to lecture halls, library and in hospital premises during duty hours.
• Students are not permitted to use mobile phones at any time while they are in campus or in the clinical areas.
• Students are not allowed to use Admin office phone for their personal use.
Students are not allowed to attend visitors inside the college at any times.
• Written authorization from the principal is required before making any public statement, communication or correspondence with the press or other media for mass communication.
Disclaimer: For all the policies, there could always be an exception. For individual cases, depending on the nature of case, decisions are given by the relevant committee/competent authority.

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