Chairman's Message
I warmly welcome you all to The Faculty of Community Health Sciences, PUMHSW NAWABSHAH (SBA), The Community Medicine and Public are in great demand locally and globally due to increase in burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases. They are highly essential and needful to the health care delivery system specially in Pakistan.
The Faculty of Community Health Sciences offers a diverse range of programs leading to careers in the field of medical & public health Sciences.
Our faculty is highly qualified and we are having well equipped labs, libraries and state-of-the-art facilities / museum. We are proud of where we are today and excited about where we are headed.
Being Chairman of this Department, this is my belief and vision to upgrade education and standards of all allied health professionals to make them an integral part of the health system.
Pursuing higher positions in public health can prove to be beneficial for individuals with leadership characteristics.
The unique feature of our Public Health program is that our graduates identify the obstacles and envisage the leadership qualities.
We create leaders who share command of the latest & current public health approaches, who are knowledgeable through learning from their experiences, and utilize these skills to create new opportunities for improvement in the health department.
Our Program offers a customized curriculum to meet the demands of the public health and medical industry.
We expect the best of your efforts while you pursue education & training in our Faculty. Best wishes and good luck.
Dr. Jawaib Hussain Laghari
Chairman Faculty of Community Medicine