Postgraduate Studies

The PUMHSW-SBA will stand with recognized leadership in medical and Health Sciences delivering patient-centered and technological advanced medical education, transformative research, and exceptional clinical and preventive care, leading to healthier,communities.


The PUMHSW –SBA should take up for better health through excellence in patient care, research and Bio-medical Education. .


The PUMHSW-SBA, the core values will be operated with collegiality, compassion, excellency, Inclusivity, Integrity mutual respect & leadership.

Collegiality- reflected in collaboration, partnership, sense of community and team work.
Compassion- reflected in caring, empathy and social responsibility.
Excellence- reflected in distinction, effectiveness, efficiency, passion, quality and impact.
Inclusivity- reflected in diversity, equality, fairness and impartiality.
Integrity- reflected in accountability, ethical behavior, honesty and reliability.
Mutual Respect- Respect for others guides our manners, respect for ourselves guides our morals.
Leadership- reflected in courage, honor, professionalism, transparency and vision.