Postgraduate Studies

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Postgraduate Studies


RESEARCH WORK (Synopsis and Research Protocols)

Every Postgraduate candidate of MS/MD courses shall have to submit the Research Protocol Synopsis within six months of admission. The synopsis shall not include research work for which a degree has already been conferred in this or any other University or DAI’s (Degree Awarded Institutions). The synopsis/Research Protocol shall be approved by the advanced Studies & research Board.

Guidelines for Synopsis Writing

Synopsis is a short summarized document that focuses a briefed information of the research with conducting material & methods for postgraduate residents to have scientic lan of work as to deliver and conclusion.

Component of a Synopsis
The following components should be provided in a synopsis of postgraduate research projects.

1) Title Page or Page 1
2) There should be the following information on the first page of synopsis.
3) • Title
4) • Name of the Student
5) • Name of Supervisor
6) • Place of Work
7) A title page of the synopsis should include title of the research project, name of the student (with Qualification), name of the supervisor(s), place of work and date (month and year) of submission.

2) Topic

The topic for research should be selected carefully. It should be specific and worded to show the nature of work involved as far as possible.

3) Introduction

It should provide a brief description to introduce the area of the proposed research work.
• Why your project is important
• Where it is used Applications
• What will you talk about?
• Problems and shortcoming of their work
• How your work is different and better than others?

• Board objectives as visualized to be achieved should be clearly outlined and these should be Itemized. These objectives will have indicated the major aspects of the study to be undertaken.
Operational Definition:
• It is definition of a term specially telling how it will be measured examples:
• Efficacy: These can be measured.
o Time taken in relief of symptoms which be pain, fever, cough, heart burn etc.
o Taking into account number of side effects.
o Tame taken by complete recovery.
Student is requirement to specify how he/she will measure efficacy.

A hypothesis is a statement showing expected relation between 2 variables. A hypothesis is needed in the following study designed.
• All interventional studies
• Cohort
• Case Control
• Compressive Cross Sectional

Review of Literature

• What other people had to stay this topic(s) (be sure to cite your references, and quotes as appropriate)
• What other people did on this topic or related topics?
• Student must study at least 10 original research papers before writing of synopsis.

4) Materials and Methods

A plan of work describing the various aspects of the study in a logical sequence along with the methodologies to be employed, are the most important aspects of any research plan.

Study design: Mention the name of the appropriate study design.
Setting: Name and place where the research work is to be conducted.
Duration of Study: How long will the study take with date?
Sample Size: How too many patients will be included. If there are groups, how many per group?
Sampling Technique: Type of sampling technique.
Sample Selection:
Inclusion Criteria: on what basis will patients be inducted in the study?
Exclusion Criteria: on what basis will patients be excluded from the study?
Date Collection Procedure: A detail account of how the researchers will perform research; how he / she will measure the variable.
It includes: Identification of the study variables
Methods' of collection data
Data collection tools (proforma /questionnaire)
Data Analysis Procedure: relevant details naming software to be used, which descriptive statistics and which test of significance if and when required, specifying variables where it will be applied.
Outcomes of Utilization: Describe in which way the expected results of your study can be useful in designing and delivery of health care system.

6) Place of Work and Facilities Available.

In order to complete the proposed research some specialized facilities may be required.
Therefore, it is important to identify the place where the research work will be undertaken and whether the resources and facilities required for doing the research are available.

7) References

Synopsis should contain at the end a list of references. All references in the text must be in and at the end must be in Vancouver style and number of citations should not be less than fifteen (15) out of which 5 references must be from book. References should include a number of books, list of articles published in research journals.

• Web page do not count. Wikipedia is not appropriate.
• Cite the papers/Books that you used.

Citation in Text:

A number is allocated to a source in the order in which it is cited in the text. If the source is referred again, the same number is used.
• Use Arabic Numerals (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
• Reference at the end:
• In Vancouver style.


Journal: Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD. Title of article, Abbreviated title of journal. Date of publication YYYY month; volume number (issue number): page number Petitti DB, crooks VC, Buck walter JG, Chiu V.'Blood pressure levels before dementia. Arch Neurol 2005 Jan; 62(1):112_6.


Author AA, Title of book. # Edition [if not first]. Place of publication: publisher; year of **Carlson BM' Human embryology and developmental biology 4th ed..St. Louis: Mosby; 2009 will be difficult to define an overall length of synopsis for the post graduates in such different field of study.
whereas it should be concise as far as possible and avoid repetition, it should also provide sufficient details on the various aspects mentioned above to show that the research involved has been well understood and planned, and it is of an acceptable academic merit. The total length of synopsis may round from 1500 to a few thousand words.

Data Collection Instrument:
The researcher must attach as an annex, the proforma or questionnaire with the help of which he/she intends to collect data. The proforma questionnaire must match the objectives and must not contain irrelevant section like inclusion and exclusion criteria etc.

Additional Requirements:
1) Font Shape: Time New Roman
2) Font Size
Main heading: 14 bold and underline
1st subheading: 12 bold
2nd subheading: 12 bold and italic
3) Line space: 1.5
4) Paragraph Spacing: 0
5) Character Spacing: Normal
Research supervisors are requested to make sure that the synopsis submitted by their research Students follow the format of warning the synopsis.

6) Margins:

At least 3.17-3.81cm on the left hand side, 2-2.54 cm at the top bottom of the page and 1.27-1.90 cm at the outer edge. The best position for the page number is at top center.

Footer Example