Director's Message
The main goal is to provide prospective students with all pertinent information. It gives information about the medical, surgical, basic community, and other allied courses that PUMHS offers. Information and specifies on the requirements for admission, the application process, and other topics are also included in this prospectus. Despite the limited time and space, every effort has been made to cover the most important and pertinent components of the admissions and course administration processes. The postgraduate trainees of various diploma and master degree courses admitted to clinical sciences, gain the knowledge, learn the skills and attitude and serve ailing humanity to their capacity under supervision of highly professional faculty. The PUMHSW possess state of art spacious, purpose built building of postgraduate medical center incorporated with seminar rooms, workshop halls, library and offices hence facilitating postgraduate trainees their ethical values, professional development and advanced academic research. Additionally, it should be mentioned that this prospectus is accurate and current as of the date of release. To achieve transparency and improved competency, the Postgraduate Medical Centre authorities reserve the right to make changes to the rules or to any other aspect of the admission process and conduct of the courses without prior notice as and when deemed necessary as per the needs, and policies of the University, PM&DC, and Higher Education Commission
Prof. Dr Ali Akbar Siyal
Dean of Medicine & Allied Sciences
Director MNCH & Postgraduate Studies
HOD of Paediatrics Medcicine