Institute of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences

Doctor of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences
<strong>MBBS Overview</strong>

Rules & Regulations


Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences for women has prescribed Students Discipline Conduct, Welfare and Code of Honour Regulations and the same will be applicable to the Doctor of Physiotherapy students and will be dealt with strictly in accordance with these rules.
1. A student whose name appears in the F.I.R pertaining to any non-bail able offence as specified in the criminal procedure code by concealing the facts seeks admission, and if at any stage the facts are detected she will be liable to disciplinary action and will be suspended. During the pendency of the case she will not be allowed to attend classes or appear in any evolutionary internal test or examination.
2. The action for situations warranting suspension, rustication or expulsion will be according to the specific procedures as follows.
a. The Institute may initiate action against any student of the Institute and recommend the case to the Disciplinary Committee of the University for her Suspension, rustication or expulsion, as the case may be.
b. Before taking any action, the Director shall serve a show cause notice to the student indicating briefly the charge(s) against her. The concerned student will have to submit a written reply within seven days of the issuance of the SCN and in case of default the matter will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee of the PUMHSW. c. If a student fails to submit tuition or other prescribed fees within the specified time, not more than one week will be liable to penalty @ Rs.100/= for ten days.
However he will have to deposit fee within 30 days. In case of further default in submission of tuition fees she will be liable to disciplinary action which includes her expulsion from the Institute.
d. A student who remains absent for more than fortnight or for a longer period will be liable to disciplinary action which includes her suspension and expulsion from the Institute.
i) No student shall form society / association / organization.
ii) No outside person will be invited by the students to address any meeting of the Institute or students gathering.
iii) No student union will be formed.
iv) The Director/Deputy Director of the IPRS, PUMHSW can issue disciplinary orders of permanent or temporary nature against the student who render herself liable to disciplinary action.
v) Any student wishing to publish any scientific or literary article, she must seek approval of the draft from Director/Deputy Director and shall have to submit the copy of the draft / transcript for record of the Institute of the Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences, PUMHSW.
vi) Students will not be allowed to address the national press on the following subjects:
a. Political or allied subjects
b. Matters directly or indirectly connected with the administration of the Institute and the University.
c. Matters pertaining to the policies of the Government.
vii) Students are forbidden to address higher authorities directly. Any communication intended for higher authorities needs to be enrouted through proper channel.
viii) Institute of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences is "NO SMOKING ZONE" Smoking and use of Pan, Ghutka, Mainpuri & Narcotics, and other activities prejudicial to the conduct of the class are prohibited.
A student shall be liable for suspension up to six months if she commit any of the following acts:
i) Uses unfair means during examination: The Director/Deputy Director can suspend any student who is found indulging in unfair means during examination. Further action against her will be taken by the Committee for breach of the rules and regulations.
ii) Misbehaves or quarrels with any teacher or member of the staff.
iii) Is generally disobedient. iv) Spreads false rumors. v) Uses unbecoming, indecent or filthy language. vi) Incite other students to violence. vii) Is inappropriately dressed. viii) Shouts, abuses, quarrels or fights with fellow students. ix) Raises slogans to hurt others, politically or religiously. x) Interferes with the administration including the mode or schedule of the examination. xi) Indulges in acts of immorality. xii) Indulges in any kind of political activity including displaying posters or play cards and chalking in any part of the Institute and the University. xiii) Remain absent continuously for more than three weeks without prior permission.
A student may be rusticated by the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute for a period of three years due to any of the following acts.
i) Taking forceful possession, making unauthorized use or damaging any property
ii) Involving him-self in any agitational activity
iii) Found indulging in activities, prejudicial and detrimental to the good order of the Institute
iv) Adopting unfair means during examination.
v) Disobeying an order of suspension passed against her
vi) Any other act, which the Institute or the Disciplinary Committee considers inappropriate.
vii) Anybody who does not submit the prescribed undertaking about non-involvement the political activities.
A student is liable to be expelled from the Institute by the Disciplinary Committee if she commits any of the following acts:
i) Is found in possession of fire arms or lethal weapons or Narcotics drugs in the college premises, examination hall or any other area as specified by the Institute administration.
ii) Remains absent for more than three months without permission of the Director / Deputy Director, her admission shall be cancelled.
iii) Is convicted by a court of law for any criminal act.
I. Any student suspended or rusticated for the reasons mentioned above shall not be allowed to appear in the examination.
II. The orders of rustication and expulsion shall be final and irrevocable.

Footer Example