Dean's Message
My Dear Post Graduate Public Health Students,
On behalf of Faculty and Staff of Faculty of Community & Public Health Sciences, welcome to M Phil Students. The Faculty of Community & Public Health Sciences is committed to ensuring the excellence in teaching and research in order to produce competent graduates, as well as Public Health Professional who will be expected to be professional leaders and public health scientists at national and international level in future. The mission of the Department of Community Medicine is to equip the undergraduate & post graduate students with the knowledge and skills so as to identify, critically analyze and deal with the public health problems.
Department continuously providing innovative teaching and training to BSPH, MSPH and M Phil students and producing the Public Health Specialists, we hope that these highly qualified specialists will serve the nation effectively and deal with prevention of diseases, promotion of health and management of health care services to the community. This will in turn reduce the burden of disease, improve the health of community, and directly influence the economic status of the individuals, families & nation.
The students in M Phil are encouraged to access all of our services and are involved in various academic and social activities, research projects, public awareness programs, visit to health facilities, industries and in communities for practical learning. The faculty is dedicated to providing top rate education that instills strong basic knowledge for sound practice in Community Medicine & Public Health Sciences for the well-being of society.
I wish you all the best for your bright future ahead.
Prof. Dr Noor Ghazanfar Samo
Dean of Community Medicine & Allied Sciences