Department of Forensic Medicine

Department of Forensic Medicine


♦ The Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology is the center for the teaching, training, and certification of Medico-legal work.
At present, the department is recognized for postgraduate training and examination centers like DMJ (Diploma in Medical Jurisprudence) & M-Phil {Toxicology (Medical Jurisprudence) as 2nd Minor Subject}.


♦ To give thorough knowledge of the subject to undergraduate / Postgraduate / in-service Medical Personnel regarding existing Medical & Legal aspects of their duties & Law related to Medical Man.
♦ Understanding Forensic medicine by other professionals like Lawyers & Police officers in easy understandable Medical Terminology for clear understanding of the Forensic issues.
♦ To enhance & assess the knowledge & adherence to policy & protocols of all stakeholders in the Medico-legal sector.
i. Medico-legal offices (Male/Female).
ii. Additional Police Surgeon / District Police Surgeon.
iii. Director Chemical Laboratories Examiner.
iv. Victim / Survivor.
♦ To assess the practices & challenges faced by stakeholders.
♦ To determine the effectiveness of Medico-legal Services throughout the Country.
♦ To cooperate with the investigating agencies for justified outcomes of Medico-legal cases.
♦ To work with the Judiciary for strengthening the prosecution.
♦ To develop recommendations to improve Medico-legal services which can be submitted to the relevant government authorities.


1. Undergraduate Program(s).
=> M.B;B.S
2. Postgraduate Program(s).
=> DMJ (Diploma in Medical Jurisprudence).
=> Toxicology (Medical Jurisprudence) as 2nd Minor Subject.


♦ Supervision of Medico-legal work including autopsies.
♦ Member of Board of Medical Experts to deliberate upon Medico-legal cases referred by Investigation Agencies.
♦ Certification of students as Medico-legal experts (Both undergraduate & postgraduate).
♦ Regular update in the knowledge of medical laws to the medical professionals.
♦ Training & supervision of doctors & laboratory staff working in the Medico-legal sector.

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